Monday, October 29, 2012

Getting to know the Finance Ministry

It's definitely not "Finance Ministry for Dummies."

When Mike de Jong was appointed Minister of Finance on Sept. 5 by Premier Christy Clark, he got a 52-page package of information about the ministry, its operations and its key people. This is better known as the "briefing book."

It contains no major revelations, but it does offer a glimpse into how the most-important ministry of government works.

FIN MIN Briefing Book - 0214

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if de Jong got a similar briefing book on the Ministry of Attorney General when he stumbled in the door to that post. If so, he apparently didn’t read the part that would have told him that once a special prosecutor is appointed under the Crown Counsel Act, it is bad form for the government to negotiate plea agreements with the defendants in secret without telling the special prosecutor or trial judge.
