Minister of Energy and Mines Rich Coleman, the Fort Langley-Aldergrove member, is in his fourth term. The B.C. Liberals' house leader's resume includes stints as Solicitor General, Minister of Social Development and Minister of Forests and Range.

But they keep bringing him back into the liquor and gambling portfolio.
His latest tenure began Feb. 8 -- just 13 days before the government announced the privatization of the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch's logistics in the Feb. 21 budget.
Coleman also had the liquor duties in October 2009 when Exel Logistics vice-president Scott Lyons penned the Project Last Spike internal memo that serves as the playbook for the company's plan to privatize B.C. liquor distribution and warehousing. The memo discusses using Exel's relationship with Coleman to influence the writing of the request for proposals in Exel's favour. Exel concedes that ContainerWorld might try the same tactic to further its goals or to act as an ally of Exel's. (Note: I have made repeated requests to interview Coleman, but I have been denied every time.)
In this edition of #LiquorLeaks you will see the entry about Coleman from the list of "key contacts" targeted by the Exel pursuit team.

ContainerWorld -- a private bonded warehouse on contract to LDB -- is listed as a "competitor," but the Exel memo also says it has a longstanding relationship with Italian alcohol logistics company Giorgio Gori whereby Gori would someday purchase ContainerWorld. Gori is conveniently owned by Deutsche Post DHL, the same parent company as Exel. Therefore Gori and Exel are sister companies!
But they keep bringing him back into the liquor and gambling portfolio.
His latest tenure began Feb. 8 -- just 13 days before the government announced the privatization of the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch's logistics in the Feb. 21 budget.
Coleman also had the liquor duties in October 2009 when Exel Logistics vice-president Scott Lyons penned the Project Last Spike internal memo that serves as the playbook for the company's plan to privatize B.C. liquor distribution and warehousing. The memo discusses using Exel's relationship with Coleman to influence the writing of the request for proposals in Exel's favour. Exel concedes that ContainerWorld might try the same tactic to further its goals or to act as an ally of Exel's. (Note: I have made repeated requests to interview Coleman, but I have been denied every time.)
In this edition of #LiquorLeaks you will see the entry about Coleman from the list of "key contacts" targeted by the Exel pursuit team.

In the memo, Exel also ponders buying Richmond-based ContainerWorld for $24 million and concludes "an acquisition approach is overall economically viable" to eventually take over the LDB contract.
Key Contacts (from Exel's Project Last Spike memo, Oct. 6, 2009)
Rich Coleman
Minister of Housing and Minister Responsible for Liquor and Gaming
Who owns relationship?:
Mark Jiles
Coach/Influencer/Decision Maker/Gatekeeper:
Decision Maker
Past Experience?:
Strong cabinet minister. Premier looks to Rich, and takes on toughest portfolios -- softwood lumber, housing
Key concern?
-Desire to transform system. Likes Alberta system, wants less government control
-He is long in the tooth. He does not want to stick head out too far
-Wants to understand why it is good for consumer, government, and union-Will sell it, but needs the bullets
-Public perception
Any relationship with competitor (Y/N)?
Yes - Dennis Christmas (sic) of ContainerWorld is a contributor
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